[Pre-season/Rookie Test] FREE Paddock access/Pit Walk for EVERYONE, SFgo LIVE streaming available
SUPER FOMULA has ended its 2023′ season with finale at SUZUKA circuit. Preparation for next season is about to start soon, and Pre-season/Rookie Test for 2024′ season will be held on Dec. 6th-8th at SUZUKA circuit.
With entrance ticket of SUZUKA circuit, everyone have FREE access to PADDOCK AREA for 3 testing days. For Wed, Dec.6th and Thu, Dec.7th only, PIT WALK where you can enjoy teams’ pit and cars will be available also for FREE.
Don’t you worry if you couldn’t make it to SUZUKA. SFgo will be streaming 3 days testing on live for monthly/annual membership content. For AM session on first day (Wed, Dec.6th) only, it is available for anyone including free membership.
▶About SFgo https://superformula.net/sf3/sfgo/
▶To sign up and log in SFgo https://sfgo.jp
It’s almost time to get started for next season of 2024’. Don’t miss out any moments during season-off period.
[ Schedule for Pre-season/Rookie drivers test ]
Wed, Dec.6th 10:00-12:00/14:00-16:00
Thu, Dec.7th 10:00-12:00/14:00-16:00
Fri, Dec.8th*1 9:30-11:00/13:00-14:30
*1 Rookie drivers only (drivers who have competed in less than 4 races in total)
[ Paddock area accessible time ]
Tue, Dec.5th Preparation Day (not available to access)
Wed, Dec.6th 10:00-16:15
Thu, Dec.7th 10:00-16:15
Fri, Dec.8th 10:00-16:15
*For safety purpose, partitions will be located
*SUZUKA circuit will be closed at 4:30PM each day
[ Pit Viewing (pit lane walk) 】
Wed, Dec.6th 12:45-13:30
Thu, Dec.7th 12:45-13:30
*Available to enter pit lane from the gate beside pit building on 1st corner side
*No drivers appearance and autograph session during pit viewing