SFgo プライバシーポリシー (English follows)
(2) ユーザーが本サービスを利用するにあたって、当社が取得する情報ユーザーが、本サービスを利用するのにともない、以下の情報を当社が自動的に取得する場合があります。
(1) 法令に基づく場合
(2) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(3) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(4) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
(1) 当社が利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において利用者情報の取扱いの全部または一部を委託する場合
(2) ユーザーが本サービスの利用規約に違反し、当社の権利、財産やサービス等を保護するために、利用者情報を公開せざるをえないと判断するに足る十分な根拠がある場合
(3) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
(4) その他、個人情報保護法その他の法令で認められる場合
(2) 当社は、ユーザーの個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん及び漏洩などのリスクに対して、個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう、必要かつ適切な措置を講じます。
(3) 当社は、ユーザーの個人情報を従業員に取り扱わせるにあたっては、個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう、個人情報の適正な取扱いを周知徹底するとともに、適正な教育を行い、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。
(4) 当社は、個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合は、委託先において個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。
(2) 当社は、利用者情報の取扱いに関する運用状況を適宜見直し、継続的な改善に努めるものとし、必要に応じて、本ポリシーを変更することがあります。変更した場合には、当社ウェブサイト上に掲載いたします。変更された本ポリシーは、掲載を開始した時点から適用されるものとします。なお、法令上利用者の同意が必要となるような内容の変更の場合は、当社所定の方法で利用者の同意を得るものとします。
【2022 年 3 月 24日制定】
【2023 年 9 月 1日改定】
1. 関係法令・ガイドライン等の遵守
当社は、個人情報の保護に関する法律(以下「個人情報保護法」といいます。)その他の関係法令、個人情報保護委員会の定めるガイドライン等及び本ポリシーを遵守し、個人情報(個人情報保護法第2条第1項により定義された個人情報をいいます。以下同じ。)を適法かつ適正に取り扱います。2. 取得する利用者情報及び取得方法
(2) ユーザーが本サービスを利用するにあたって、当社が取得する情報ユーザーが、本サービスを利用するのにともない、以下の情報を当社が自動的に取得する場合があります。
3. 利用目的
4. 個人情報利用の制限
当社は、個人情報保護法その他の法令により許容される場合を除き、ユーザーの同意を得ず、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて個人情報を取り扱いません。ただし、次の場合はこの限りではありません。(1) 法令に基づく場合
(2) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(3) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(4) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
5. 第三者提供
当社は、利用者情報のうち、個人情報について個人情報保護法その他の法令に基づき開示が認められる場合 を除くほか、あらかじめユーザーの同意を得ることなく、第三者に提供いたしません。ただし、次に掲げる場合はこの限りではありません。(1) 当社が利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において利用者情報の取扱いの全部または一部を委託する場合
(2) ユーザーが本サービスの利用規約に違反し、当社の権利、財産やサービス等を保護するために、利用者情報を公開せざるをえないと判断するに足る十分な根拠がある場合
(3) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
(4) その他、個人情報保護法その他の法令で認められる場合
6. 個人情報の安全管理
(1) 当社は、ユーザーの個人情報につき、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲において、正確かつ最新の内容に保つとともに、利用する必要がなくなったときは当該個人情報を消去するよう努めます。(2) 当社は、ユーザーの個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん及び漏洩などのリスクに対して、個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう、必要かつ適切な措置を講じます。
(3) 当社は、ユーザーの個人情報を従業員に取り扱わせるにあたっては、個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう、個人情報の適正な取扱いを周知徹底するとともに、適正な教育を行い、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。
(4) 当社は、個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合は、委託先において個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。
7. 個人情報の開示
(1) 当社は、本ポリシーを当社ウェブサイト上に掲示、公表しています。(2) 当社は、利用者情報の取扱いに関する運用状況を適宜見直し、継続的な改善に努めるものとし、必要に応じて、本ポリシーを変更することがあります。変更した場合には、当社ウェブサイト上に掲載いたします。変更された本ポリシーは、掲載を開始した時点から適用されるものとします。なお、法令上利用者の同意が必要となるような内容の変更の場合は、当社所定の方法で利用者の同意を得るものとします。
【2022 年 3 月 24日制定】
【2023 年 9 月 1日改定】
SFgo Privacy Policy
JAPAN RACE PROMOTION INC. (the “Company”) has enacted the following privacy policy (the “Policy”) that applies to the handling of user information, including personal information, of users who browse and use this Service (the “Users”) on the “SFgo” service (the “Service”) provided by the Company. In addition to this Policy, users who become registered users of the Service are subject to the Terms of Use for registered users of the Service. The Terms of Use also include a description of the handling of user information, including the personal information of registered users, so registered users should also check and fully understand the Terms of Use.
(In addition to the information listed below, the Company may also ask to provide other details.)
・ User’s name
・ User account name and password
・ Device model information
・ User ID
・ Access history to information within the Service
・ User-agent
・ IP address
・ User action history using technologies such as cookies and JavaScript
・ To provide, maintain, protect, and improve the Service
・ To provide, maintain, protect, and improve the Service, such as by accepting registrations for the Service, verifying the identity of users, and confirming their affiliation
・ To provide information and to respond to inquiries, etc., regarding the Service
・ To react to any violations of the Company’s terms, policies, etc. (After this referred to as “Terms”) regarding the Service
・ To notify of the changes to the Terms
・ To research and analyze the usage status of the Service
・ To improve the Service, to develop new services, etc.
・ For purposes incidental to the above definitions
・ To use for other marketing purposes
(1) When required by law
(2) When it is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
(3) When it is necessary in particular for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual may impede the execution of such affairs.
(1) When the Company outsources all or part of handling User information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use
(2) When there is sufficient reason to believe that the User has violated the Terms of Use of the Service and that the Company must disclose the User information to protect the Company’s rights, property, services, etc.
(3) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual may impede the execution of such affairs
(4) Other cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations
(2) The Company shall take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the safe management of personal information against risks such as loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of Users’ data.
(3) When having employees handle Users’ personal information, the Company will ensure that they are informed of the proper handling of personal data, provide them with appropriate training, and supervise them as necessary and proper to ensure the safe management of personal information.
(4) If the Company outsources all or part of handling personal information, the Company shall provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that personal information is securely managed at the outsourced company.
E-mail: sfgo@superformula.net
(2) The Company shall review the operational status of handling User information occasionally, strive for continuous improvement, and may change this Policy as necessary. Any changes will be posted on the Company’s website. The revised Policy shall be applied from the time of posting. In the event of changes requiring Users’ consent under laws and regulations, the Company shall obtain the consent of Users in a manner prescribed by the Company.
[Enacted March 24, 2022; Revised September 1, 2023]
1. Compliance with Related Laws and Regulations, Guidelines, etc.
The Company shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (after this referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”), other related laws and regulations, guidelines set by the Personal Information Protection Commission, etc., and this Policy while handling personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act (The same shall apply after this) lawfully and appropriately.2. User Information to be Obtained and Method of Obtaining User Information
In the Policy, “User Information” means information that identifies the User, action history on communication services, and other information generated or stored on a user’s smartphone, PC, or other terminal, about the User or the User’s terminal, and which is acquired by the Company by this Policy. User information obtained by the Company in the Service will be as follows, depending on the acquisition method.(1) Information to be provided by the User
Users may be asked to provide the following information to use the Service as a registered user.(In addition to the information listed below, the Company may also ask to provide other details.)
・ User’s name
・ User account name and password
(2) When Users use the Service, the following information may be automatically acquired
by the Company upon using the Service.・ Device model information
・ User ID
・ Access history to information within the Service
・ User-agent
・ IP address
・ User action history using technologies such as cookies and JavaScript
3. Purpose of Use
The Company will use the acquired user information for the following purposes:・ To provide, maintain, protect, and improve the Service
・ To provide, maintain, protect, and improve the Service, such as by accepting registrations for the Service, verifying the identity of users, and confirming their affiliation
・ To provide information and to respond to inquiries, etc., regarding the Service
・ To react to any violations of the Company’s terms, policies, etc. (After this referred to as “Terms”) regarding the Service
・ To notify of the changes to the Terms
・ To research and analyze the usage status of the Service
・ To improve the Service, to develop new services, etc.
・ For purposes incidental to the above definitions
・ To use for other marketing purposes
4. Limitation of Use of Personal Information
The Company will not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without obtaining the User’s consent, except as permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations. However, this shall not apply in the following circumstances.(1) When required by law
(2) When it is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
(3) When it is necessary in particular for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual may impede the execution of such affairs.
5. Provision to Third Parties
The Company will not provide personal information of User information to any third party without the prior consent of the User, except in cases where disclosure is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations. However, this shall not apply in the following circumstances.(1) When the Company outsources all or part of handling User information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use
(2) When there is sufficient reason to believe that the User has violated the Terms of Use of the Service and that the Company must disclose the User information to protect the Company’s rights, property, services, etc.
(3) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual may impede the execution of such affairs
(4) Other cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations
6. Safe Management of Personal Information
(1) The Company shall maintain Users’ personal information as accurate and up to date to the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. It shall endeavor to delete such personal information when it is no longer required to use it.(2) The Company shall take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the safe management of personal information against risks such as loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of Users’ data.
(3) When having employees handle Users’ personal information, the Company will ensure that they are informed of the proper handling of personal data, provide them with appropriate training, and supervise them as necessary and proper to ensure the safe management of personal information.
(4) If the Company outsources all or part of handling personal information, the Company shall provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that personal information is securely managed at the outsourced company.
7. Disclosure of Personal Information
When the Company receives a request from the User for disclosure of personal information by the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, the Company shall confirm that the User makes the request and disclose the personal information to the User without any delay (if the relevant personal information does not exist, the Company shall notify the User to that effect). However, this does not apply to cases in which the Company is not obligated to disclose the information under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations. In addition, the Company will collect a fee for the disclosure.8. Correction, etc., and Suspension of Use of Personal Information
The Company shall conduct the necessary investigation without delay after confirming that the request is made by the User by the provision of the Personal Information Protection Act if the User requests the following: (1) Correction, addition, or deletion of the content of personal information (after this referred to as “correction, etc.”, (2) Suspension of use of personal information, or (3) Suspension of provision of personal information to third parties. Based on the results, the Company may correct the content of personal information, suspend its use, or suspend its provision and shall notify the User to that effect. If the Company decides not to take any of these measures for reasonable reasons, the Company will inform the User to that effect. However, this shall not apply in cases where the Company is under no obligation to correct, etc., suspend the use or cease the provision of personal information under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations. In addition, the fee for notification of using personal information or disclosing records about the provision of personal information and personal data to third parties shall be 1,000 yen (excluding tax) per request application.9. Contact Information for Inquiries
For comments, questions, complaints, or other inquiries regarding handling user information, please get in touch with the following e-mail address.E-mail: sfgo@superformula.net
10. Method of User Involvement
Users of the Service may stop the acquisition of user information by the Company by ceasing to use the Service.11. Viewing and Use of Usage History, etc.
The Company shall create statistical data, etc., from User’s usage history of the Service, registration information, and other information obtained by the Company through User’s use of the Service, by processing, aggregating, and analyzing such information in a way that individuals cannot be identified or specified. Such relevant record or statistical data, attribute information, etc., shall be used within the scope necessary for the operation of the Service, and such statistical data, etc., may be provided to third parties.12. Notification, Publication, and Changes to this Policy
(1) The Company posts and publicly announces this Policy on its website.(2) The Company shall review the operational status of handling User information occasionally, strive for continuous improvement, and may change this Policy as necessary. Any changes will be posted on the Company’s website. The revised Policy shall be applied from the time of posting. In the event of changes requiring Users’ consent under laws and regulations, the Company shall obtain the consent of Users in a manner prescribed by the Company.
[Enacted March 24, 2022; Revised September 1, 2023]